Terms of Service
These Terms apply to the use of the Platform www.StyleDoubler.com (subsequently referred to as “Platform”) of OTS Tech Oy, registered in Finland under Business ID 2863332-8 (subsequently referred to as “StyleDoubler”) and also regulates the contractual relationship related to the marketing of online advertising placements between advertising space operators (subsequently referred to as “Publishers”) and advertising customers (subsequently referred to as “Brands”). Brands, Publishers and StyleDoubler are subsequently referred to as “Participants”.
To participate in the Platform, the Publisher agrees to unconditionally abide by these Terms.
1. General Provisions
1.1. To participate in the Platform, the Publisher submits a registration form on the registration page of the www.StyleDoubler.com domain.
1.2. Publisher registering to the Platform must be a legal person or entity whose authorised representative has reached the age of 18.
1.3. By submitting the registration form and upon signing onto the Platform, the Publisher is acknowledging these terms.
1.4. StyleDoubler reserves the right to deny the Publisher to participate in the Platform with no reasons given. Should StyleDoubler decide to accept registrar in the Platform, Publisher receives a confirmation letter to the e-mail address specified by him/her upon registration.
1.5. These Terms shall prevail over any terms provided by the Publishers.
2. The subject of the Agreement
2.1. The Participants of the Platform are Brands, Publishers, and StyleDoubler.
​Brands are the individuals or legal entities who define the terms of Publisher Programs and provide online advertising opportunities with their goods and services through various advertising media. The Brands provide online advertising placements such as banners and text links.
​Publishers are the individuals or legal entities who deliver advertisement placements at their advertising spaces such as websites, social media channels or e-mail newsletters.
2.2. Publishers shall place the banners and text links on their advertising spaces such as websites, social media channels or e-mail newsletters. When a user arrives at the Brand’s website through a banner or text link placed on the Publisher’s advertising space and makes a purchase that ends with payment, the Publisher’s advertisement shall be considered successful and the Publisher shall be paid a commission.
2.3. When entering into this Agreement, the Participants agree that StyleDoubler tracks and logs all purchases, and provides the Publisher with the information to that effect, as well as calculate the amount of the commissions. The Brand shall make the final decision on whether or not the purchase actually took place.
2.4. StyleDoubler constantly develops and improves its services. In this connection, StyleDoubler reserves the right to fully or partly stop the provision of one of the services, if it is necessary for the performance of maintenance works, improvement of the service functions or change of the service provided.
2.5. StyleDoubler shall have the right to suspend payments to the Publisher in the event of an objective suspicion of violation of these terms, as well as to verify the Publisher’s specified data and/or the Publisher’s traffic quality.
3. Participation in the Platform
3.1. All advertising spaces that comply with applicable laws and regulations of this Agreement, Privacy Policy and have been approved by StyleDoubler are allowed to participate in the Platform.
3.2. StyleDoubler reserves the right to request data on the traffic source and access the statistics of the advertising space, while limiting the Publisher’s participation in the Platform. In this case the Publisher must provide the requested data within 14 days; otherwise, StyleDoubler reserves the right to stop displaying the advertisements on the Publisher’s website and/or to take other measures to protect the interests of the Brands, whose advertisements are displayed at the Publisher’s advertising spaces.
4. Rights and liabilities of the Publisher
4.1. The Publisher is obliged to strictly follow these Terms and to ensure that the data provided by him/her to StyleDoubler by any means, including the registration form, are complete and true. If any of these data are changed, the Publisher shall, within 5 days from the date of the change, make the relevant changes thereto in his/her personal account.
4.2. The Publisher undertakes to strictly store his/her data (login and password) for access to the Platform and not allow the transfer thereof to third parties. The Publisher is solely responsible for the safety of the login and password.
4.3. The Publisher guarantees that he/she has the necessary rights to conduct marketing activities on the advertising spaces. He/she shall bear any legal and property liability for what happens on his/her advertising spaces.
4.4. When using banners or text links on the advertising space, the Publisher undertakes not to violate the rights of the third rightsholders to the trademark, brand, personal rights and other rights without the permission of the rightsholders in accordance with the current legislation.
4.5. The Publisher agrees not to take any action that affects the operation of the Platform. Such actions include the attempts to technically influence the efficiency of the servers of the Platform, the attempts to hack the security mechanisms, to use viruses, trojans, and other malicious programs for any purpose. This shall also include brute force attacks, DoS (DDoS) attacks, spam, the use of links and any other processes that may damage the operation of the Platform.
4.6. In case StyleDoubler or the Brand suffer losses caused by the Publisher’s violation of this Agreement, the relevant amount will be deducted from the Publisher’s account. In the absence of funds on the Publisher’s account, the Publisher undertakes to reimburse such losses at the request of StyleDoubler within 14 days.
4.7. The Publisher agrees that StyleDoubler has the right to pay the Publisher a commission only after the Brand wires a payment for the provided services to StyleDoubler.
5. Payment for the Publisher’s services
5.1. The Publisher shall receive a commission from StyleDoubler, which directly depends on the success of his/her advertising campaigns.
5.2. In each separate case, the commission amount is determined by the type of purchase and the rate set by the Platform that is effective at the time of performing this purchase. The Platform has the right to change the rates, but the new rates do not apply to already performed purchases. The Publisher undertakes to become familiar with the current rates in the interface of the StyleDoubler Platform.
5.3. Except for the agreed commission, the Publisher is not entitled to reimbursement of costs incurred for the bank transfer, for the use of third-party services or programs that are not provided by the Platform, even if these costs are related to his/her advertising activities within the Platform.
5.4. The right to receive the commission is exercised only if all the following conditions are fulfilled:
The Publisher’s advertising activity led to the purchase between the Brand and the visitor;
The purchase was registered by tracking means of the Platform;
The Brand paid StyleDoubler commission for the Publisher’s actions;
The Publisher did not violate the terms of this Agreement.
5.5. StyleDoubler maintains a virtual account for each Publisher that is used for carrying out all payments.
5.6. Interest on the commission amount is not paid regardless of the payment date.
5.7. Minimum amount eligible for payout is 1.000.000 IDR (one million rupiah).
6. The term of the Agreement and its termination
6.1. This Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period of time.
6.2. The Participants may voluntarily terminate the Agreement at any time.
6.3. The Publisher may terminate the Agreement by contacting StyleDoubler in writing via the e-mail address visible on www.StyleDoubler.com domain.
6.4. StyleDoubler shall have the right to delete the Publisher’s account and data from the system in the following cases:
The Publisher has not signed in to his/her account for the last 360 days.
After 360 days from the date of last sign in, StyleDoubler has the right to delete the Publisher’s account and data, and the remaining funds shall be transferred to StyleDoubler. The Publisher agrees that he/she has no right to restore the account or return the funds, after the expiration of the above terms and the deletion of the account.
7. Rights to use information
7.1. StyleDoubler provides the Publishers with temporary, non-exclusive right to use the provided services and applications and the data contained therein exclusively within the framework of participation in the Platform. In case of termination of the Agreement, this right loses its validity.
8. Liability and limitations of liability
8.1. StyleDoubler shall not be liable for any damage or interference caused by the content of third party web pages, software errors or hardware of participants of the Platform, or for damage caused by insufficient availability or the limited functionality of the Internet.
9. Changes to these Terms of Service
9.1. StyleDoubler reserves the right to change the provisions of these Terms of Service without justification and at any time.
9.2. The use of the StyleDoubler Platform by the Publisher after making changes to these Terms indicates the Publisher’s consent to the changes and willingness to assume the obligations specified in these Terms of Service. Disagreement with the changes in the Terms of Service entails the termination of this Agreement.
10. Final provisions
10.1. If certain provisions of these Terms of Service become invalid in whole or in part, the validity of remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired. The position that has become invalid is considered replaced by another one, the closest in meaning and scope. This also applies to possible missed provisions of these Terms of Service.
10.2. The rights and obligations resulting from these Terms may be transferred to a third party only with the consent of StyleDoubler.